In an effort to establish a unified team identity that we can project with pride at all meets and activities associated with diving, the following guidelines team dress code is expected.

Team Colors The Woodlands Diving Academy official team colors are black and red.

Team Suits Each diver on National Team will purchase at least one team swimsuit for competitions. We recommend not wearing team suits for practice or recreation as they need to look sharp for competition. Team suit orders are placed periodically. For additional suits, please contact the team outfitting coordinator.

Team Warmups When participating in a meet, team members will wear their Woodlands Diving Academy warmups. Team warmup orders are placed periodically. New warmups may be ordered through the team outfitting coordinator.

Meet March In and Awards For any formal event at a meet, i.e. opening ceremony, march in, awards, where TWDA athletes are competing, athletes should wear their team warm ups. For outdoor meets in warm weather, athletes will wear their warmup jacket and may wear black or red shorts. For all other meets, athletes will wear their team warm up jackets and pants. TWDA Team t-shirt may be worn under warmups, but warm up tops must be zipped up.

Team T-Shirts Each athlete will purchase a TWDA team t-shirt. We will have a new design each year. The shirt should be worn on deck at meets, but must be covered by the warmup jacket as mentioned above for awards, march in and other formal events.